Money Musings

Can anyone hear the jingle of bells?
Can anyone hear the jingle of bells? I’m not talking about tinnitus, but the sleigh bells of one big old chap who comes to visit every year, roughly around the same time, dressed in red with a white beard. No, not your granddad or uncle… I'm talking about Santa!
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The Evil that is the "Payday" Loan
Let me set the scene: You reach Thursday and have decided a weekend of fun is in order. You check your account and discover that you only have $5 of your budget spare. The horror! Netflix and noodles look to be in your future... then, suddenly you hear a maniacal laugh from the TV. “Money fast? I can help!” Queue terrifying music.
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Your Living Expenses and your Home Loan Application.
With housing prices at their lowest, now is the time for first home owners to enter the home ownership world. However, with the royal commission recently coming down hard on banks, borrowers need to also consider more then just employment and savings.
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Banks and Honeymoons
With many of the lenders reputations questionable at the moment due to the ongoing Royal Commission's finding, lenders are competing in the only way that they know how - interest rates. This results in an opportune event for you, the borrower - "honeymoon" rates.
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What the FHSS?!
Calm down! I’m not swearing at you! Instead, I am talking about the little known savings scheme set up by the Government that you may not have been aware of.
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To offset, or not to offset...
...that is the question. Well, likely the second question. The first is more than likely to be "What is an offset account?".
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Your Home Loan's visit to the Doctor.
What's your interest rate? How much are your fees? What extra benefits do you have? Struggling to answer these questions? It might be time for your mortgage to have a health check.
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Moving In...
Moving house whether it be from rental to rental or to your first home is exciting. As they say, change is as good as a holiday. We discuss the ways that make this sometimes tedious activity go a lot smoother.
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Moving from Approval to Moving In
You have just received the call: your home loan is approved! All that hard work and sacrificing of smashed avocado on toast has been worth it. You are the proud owner of your own home… almost. Take a breath, for you now have to organise things for settlement.
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